Still a Girl Beauty Blog

Caterina Christakos is a writer and marketing consultant. For more information check out my google plus account at

Friday, October 10, 2014

Finding Peace

Sometimes we have questions in life and we sit racking our brains for the answers. The more we try the more frustrated we become. What I have found i...

Amazing Coffee that Makes You Smarter

Recently I stumbled upon a site called the Bulletproof Exec. On it is a recipe for coffee made with organic butter instead of cream. It is supposed to...

Knowing Your Own Mind

I started out my career as a consultant. I helped and continue to help small businesses and individuals to achieve their goals. In the beginning I wo...

How to Deal with Grouchy People

Have you ever had someone in your life that did nothing but complain? You could hand them a million dollars and they would still find something to com...

Keeping a Gratitude Journal

There are so many things to be grateful for and yet often we focus on the things that go wrong. I started keeping a gratitude journal about a year ago...

Think and Grow Rich

I am reading Think and Grow Rich again from Napolean Hill. I must have read this book at least twenty times and every time that I do, I am inspired. ...

How to Get a Course on Udemy - Bubblews

Hi I just got my first course accepted at Udemy. It took me a while and so I wanted to offer a few tips, for those who want to create a course there....


Often we start our sentences with, "If Only." If only I had more money. If only I had a different job. If only I had done this differently. ...

The Time is Now

Living a great life - This year has been full of amazing changes. Most have been internal and have changed a massive shift in my life. I have written several books, created...

A Quick Time Saver - Bubblews

Time management - I used to complain that there was never enough time. My lists were longer than my days were. I got a lot done but at the end of the day, I had this ne...