Still a Girl Beauty Blog

Caterina Christakos is a writer and marketing consultant. For more information check out my google plus account at

Monday, December 15, 2014

Think and Grow Rich Review

Review of Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. Discover how to transform the way you think so that you can create wealth and abundance.

Law of Attraction Videos | Wealthy Mind Course

Law of Attraction Videos - free videos to help you program your mind for success using the principles of the law of attraction.

Money in Your Mind Course by Igor Ledochowski Review | Wealthy Mind Course

Review of Igor Ledochowski course Money in Your Mind. Read about this wealth course from someone who has actually taken it and seen a difference in her life.

Martinis and Cocktails -

Free Martini and cocktail recipes - watch videos showing you exactly how to make your favorite drinks.