Still a Girl Beauty Blog

Caterina Christakos is a writer and marketing consultant. For more information check out my google plus account at

Friday, February 12, 2016

Three Simple Steps to Burn Belly Fat

What Does It Take To Lose Body Fat? How to get rid of that bulging belly fat // google_ad_client = "ca-pub-9138428422465710"; google_ad_slot = "2826773989"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; // ]]> // // ]]> As I approach middle age, I have given up blaming my belly fat on pregnancy, particularly because my youngest is now 14. Over the years, I have made attempts to rid myself of the excess fat around my waistline. I ve done sit-ups, tried running, and By Miami Herald on Sun, 31 Jan 2016 05:20:29 -0800 To lose body fat, you need to incorporate sheer simplicity, plus ultimate science because understanding how to lose body fat comprises your awareness of BOTH concepts. Now is the time to prepare your heart and mind for non-stop challenge, consistent focus, and utmost care. You are here seeking some viable remedy, correct? Our time together here is far more worthwhile if I just go ahead and tell you, right now, what it takes to lose body fat. In a nutshell, your biggest key

Thought Elevators Review

Thought Elevators Course Review This course is designed to get you into theta waves so that you can program yourself for success and excellence. I found it highly relaxing and the information provided was quite good. You go through each video for about a week to let yourself really absorb it. Thought Elevators by Eric Taller is a great course to take if you prefer to be guided in your meditations. The theta wave sound gets you into a very relaxed state where suggestions for success sink in easily. I look at this as more of a hands off approach to self improvement. It is effective and relaxing and definitely worth trying for yourself. Check this course out for yourself

Are You Struggling With Your Weight? Read On!

Are You Struggling With Your Weight? Read On! The New Abs Diet for Women: The Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life Product Description Easy to follow, easy to stick to, and more satisfying than a great-fitting pair of jeans, The New Abs Diet for Women by David Zinczenko with Ted Spiker has been retooled with groundbreaking new science for even faster results! The New York Times bestseller is back, updated with 40 percent new research, groundbreaking weight-loss studies, new recipes and exercises, and new ways to use the Power 12 foods including almonds, beans, eggs, peanut butter and more for even faster weight-loss

Network Empire SEO Software Review

SEO Software Review Network Empire by Russell Wright and Sue Bell I have tried ALOT of seo programs in my career and spent tens of thousands of dollars on them. This is the only one that goes above and beyond the rest and actually gives you the edge. Most seo software programs just spit out keywords that you can get from Google s free tool. Network empire analyzes entire markets, then it tells you exactly how much it will cost to rank for each keyword and then it tells you exactly how to silo your website and then finally it helps you upload the entire silo to your site in perfect form. If that was not enough, it helps you come up with a marketing plan of action to help you set and hit your goals. I have personally met the owners of this company, sat down with them, trained with them and have the utmost respect for them and their company. They stand behind each and every one of their products. You do not find that too often these days. If your aim is to dominate your market then this

Uberman Superhuman Review

Review of the Uberman Superhuman Book and Course This is one of the absolute best courses that I have ever taken in manifestation. For those of you who have watched the Secret, you know that manifesting your dreams is possible. The problem is that they do not tell you how to do it and so if you have tried, you have probably gotten mixed results. Uberman takes you beyond the secret. It actually tells you exactly step by step exactly what to do to manifest exactly what you want into your life. This is not theory. There are step by step exercises to do that can be done quickly and better yet results happen fast. Get this book for yourself here: http://www.INFINITESECRET.COM