Still a Girl Beauty Blog

Caterina Christakos is a writer and marketing consultant. For more information check out my google plus account at

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Internet Entrepreneur Coach | Learn How to Build a Successful Online Business

Learn how to build a profitable online business. Video tutorials, live chat support and more.

Getting Started | Internet Entrepreneur Coach

Learn how to research, build and market your own online business. Step by step tutorials on how to build your internet business designed for budding

Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website (Level 2)

Traffic, regardless of the nature of your online business is the root of all success. If you can learn how to effectively get traffic to your website, you can accomplish an extraordinary amount of success. This 10 lesson training is

Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website (Level 2)

Traffic, regardless of the nature of your online business is the root of all success. If you can learn how to effectively get traffic to your website, you can accomplish an extraordinary amount of success. This 10 lesson training is

How to Silo Your Website

Hi all Building your website is wonderful. You need for it to be siloed properly as well though, if you want it to rank well in Google. Here is a video tutorial that I did for a client: Here

Any niche can be profitable ?

I can not understand how it is possible. For example: I have now an idea about a blog on historical Rome topography for people who want to discover Rome in its different and superimposed layers (sync

Keyword Research - How to Handle Similar Keywords

So I'm finding a lot of great keywords that would are highly search, good traffic and a low competition. But some of the keywords are similar.For example: How to create a website and Create a Website